How Do You Estimate And Prepare Drywall Takeoffs?

Prepare Drywall Takeoffs

Many contractors find it difficult to estimate and complete drywall takeoffs. But, determining the amount of materials and drywall required is a much simpler task.
Are you a drywall contractor? If yes, accurately estimating the labor and materials required is critical to the success of your project. Further drywall takeoffs involve calculating the exact amount of drywall sheets needed. It also includes measuring the drywall area to be covered.
Furthermore, the amount of tape and joint compound required is also estimated.
Being a contractor, you must know how to measure for drywall and estimate it. It will help you in making accurate estimations. Besides, it is time-saving and offers many competitive benefits.
Let’s delve into this crucial article to clear all your queries regarding drywall estimations.

Pro Tips to Estimate and Prepare Drywall Takeoffs

Are you in the quest for estimating and preparing drywall takeoffs? No need to worry anymore. All you need is to follow some essential tips before starting with drywall estimations.
Below, we’ve given some critical tips you should consider. Let’s have a look at each tip in detail:

Measure Square Footage

You might now know how to prepare and measure drywall estimates. It is advisable to start with measuring square footage first. Square footage is nothing but a unit of area measurement. First, you need to measure the square footage of the surface area for drywall installation.
Multiply the width by the height of the ceiling area or each wall. Once done, add these quantities. You will get the amount of the total square foot.
1 Square foot = 0.092903 Square meter

Estimate Drywall Tape

Now, you need to figure out the total number of required drywall sheets. Afterward, multiply by the perimeter of each drywall sheet. It would assist you in determining the joint tape’s linear feet needed for the drywall. Remember, the perimeter of a 4-by-12 drywall sheet is around 20 feet.
For example, the tape required for 55 4-by-8 sheets would be 800 feet.
55 × 16 = 800 feet.
Some tapes of roll to be used for drysheets contain 500 feet. Therefore, you have to divide your total 800 feet by 500. It will help you figure out how many rolls of tape are needed for drywall takeoff.
The last step is to multiply the required feet by the cost per roll.

Estimate Drywall Sheets

Before starting with anything, it is advisable to create a drywall estimating template. This document includes all the information necessary to produce drywall estimates. You can get customizable templates from a reliable bidding company in PDF, Spreadsheets or Google Docs.
Once done with the template, now is the time to estimate drywall sheets.
Calculate the total number of drysheets you need for estimation. You can measure it by dividing the square footage of surface area either by 32 or 48.
32 is advisable if you are employing 4-by-8 drywall sheets and 48 for 4-by-12 sheets.
By dividing the square footage, you will get the total number of full drywall sheets needed. Besides, adding 10 to 15 percent for odd-cuts and waste is also a good idea.
For instance, if you are utilizing 4-by-8 drywall sheets and the total area is 1,600 sq. ft. Then,
1600/32 = 50 sheets and 50 +5 (10 percent add-on) = 55 sheets
On top of that, if you need to get the cost. Then, multiply the total number of drywall sheets and the total price per sheet. However, don’t forget to add delivery charges and local taxes.

Measure Drywall Screws

Are you new to the construction industry and don’t know how to make accurate estimates? Don’t stress yourself. You can look at a precise drywall estimating sample to have a general understanding. You might also be wondering how to measure drywall screws most precisely.
Measuring drywall screws is extremely important. This is because it has to be used for the right installation of your drywall. If you want to figure out the pounds of screws needed. You can simply get it by dividing the drywall square footage by 300. Let’s clear it out with an example.
For example, for 1,600 square footage of drywall:
1600/300 = 5.33 pounds of screws

Estimate Corner Beads

What if you need to repair your drywall in the future? You must know how much to repair drywall. Therefore, having proper knowledge of the cost factor is crucial.
But if you want to install a new drywall, measuring estimates of every critical aspect is pivotal. And so is the case with drywall corner beads. For measuring corner beads, you need to count the total number of outside drywall corners in the whole process.
Furthermore, it is advisable to use a full corner bead for every wall corner. You can do it by using either a 10-foot or 8-foot bead. But If the outside corners have soffits or several other structures. Then, you need to estimate the length of all elements and divide it by a single corner bead’s length.
Afterward, add the measured amount to the total count of the wall corner.

drywall estimate

Estimate Joint Compound

The joint compound is nothing but a white powder that contains gypsum dust blended with water. It is usually spread out on the drywall. Once dried, it is sanded to produce a coherent base for paint on ceilings and walls.
As a general rule, you can measure about 0.053 pounds of mud for each square footage of drywall. If you want to measure how many pounds of joint compound you require for installation. Then, you can easily obtain this by multiplying the total number of wall square footage by 0.053.
For instance, the amount of compound you need to put in 1,600 square footage of drywall will be:
1,600 × 0.053 = 84.8 pounds of joint compound.

Think About Miscellaneous Costs

How much does it cost to drywall a living space? The average cost to drywall a house is around $1,500. If you are done with basic material takeoffs, think about miscellaneous costs.
Additionally, you need to add every miscellaneous price that may apply, including:

  • Insurance
  • Permit fees
  • Cleaning and waste removal
  • Sandpaper
  • Supplies to protect finished areas
    In the last, consider adding markup for profit and up above. Some companies can set from 10 to 20% markup, while others set up between 15 and 20%. However, it all depends on the size of the project, location, and several other factors that might change your quote.

Benefits of Drywall Estimation and Preparation

In the realm of any construction project, accuracy and efficiency are imperative. Cost estimation has a significant impact on the success of your drywall installation project.
Besides, it helps to determine how much cost to drywall a house you will need.
In the following, we have shortlisted some top benefits of cost considerations and preparation.


Drywall estimations are usually made using advanced methodologies and software. It assists contractors in providing the most precise and accurate estimates. Apart from this, earlier estimations minimize the risks of cost overruns. It helps keep your project on track financially.

Material Optimization

Material optimization is also an essential stage before the drywall installation. Also, using efficient materials is requisite to end up with a cost-effective construction. In addition, preparing estimates before starting the installation process helps optimize the total material needed.

Time Efficiency

Performing proper estimates before installing drywall in your house helps improve time efficiency. This way, your project would be completed in the stipulated time with no errors. If you are a contractor, getting earlier drywall estimations can assist you in saving valuable time.

Real-Time Updates

Construction is undoubtedly a competitive industry. Estimations done before installation provide real-time updates about any types of mistakes. It also lets you know how to make any required adjustments or changes. This way, you can avoid any errors in the future.

Risk Mitigation

Precise material takeoffs assist contractors in mitigating the chances of unforeseen problems during the project. Besides, estimations help contractors identify critical discrepancies early on. This way, contractors and subcontractors can make smart decisions to avoid budget overruns.

Customer Communication

Suppose you are working on the drywall installation project of your customer. Then, providing a detailed drywall takeoff report is extremely important. It would help potential customers better understand the size of the project. In addition, clients would appreciate the material takeoff transparency.

Concluding Remarks

We hope it is clear now why estimation is important for drywall takeoffs. Accurate estimations help reduce waste, avoid shortages and ensure the project completion within budget. Drywall estimations typically include measuring the quantity of tape, sheets and other materials needed. Estimation is performed on the basis of square footage. However, described above is detailed information on what you need to do to estimate and prepare drywall takeoffs.
You need to start the project step-by-step. Whether these are corner beads, screws, tape or joint compound, ensure to measure them precisely. Besides, you can get assistance from professional estimators if you are facing any issues. Ensure to get precise estimates for drywall takeoffs.

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